Depicting more Data in Enriched Treemaps with Layered Glyphs
Desenvolvedores: Anderson Gregorio Marques Soares, Elvis Thermo Carvalho Miranda, Carlos Gustavo Resque dos Santos, Diego Hortêncio dos Santos, Bianchi Serique Meiguins,
Código: https://github.com/LABVIS-UFPA/TreemapGlyphs
Download: https://github.com/LABVIS-UFPA/TreemapGlyphs/releases
Ano: 2018
Visualizing Multidimensional Data in Treemaps with Adaptive Glyphs. In: 22nd International Conference Information Visualisation (IV).
Analyzing the Effect of Different Partial Overlap Sizes in Perceiving Visual Variables. In: 23rd International Conference Information Visualisation (IV).